At 70 cm (27.5 in) the Tobii PCEye Go allows for lateral Freedom of Head Movement in an area of about 50 × 36 cm (20 × 14
In order to function properly for Gaze Interaction the user needs at least one eye in the track box at all times.
Track Status Viewer
Use the Track Status viewer (see Showing Track Status , page 15
for more information on how to open the Track Status
viewer) to help determine the optimal height and horizontal positioning for Gaze Interaction with the Tobii PCEye Go.
Ideally, the two dots that represent the user’s eyes should be in the middle of the Track Status viewer.
Use the distance meter on the right hand side of the Track Status viewer to determine the optimal distance the user
should be from the Tobii PCEye Go.
The white triangle in the distance meter should hover near the center, within the green, when the optimal distance from
the Tobii PCEye Go is reached.
For information about calibration of the Tobii PCEye Go see
5.2 Calibration, page 37
. Also check the lighting condi-
tions, related to what is mentioned above, when calibrating.
Showing Track Status
The track status viewer is a window/dialog where you can verify that the Gaze Interaction recognizes your eyes and that you are
well positioned in front of the device.
Open the track status viewer in one of the following ways:
Tobii Dynavox Gaze Interaction Settings > Calibration
and select the
Track status
Right-click (long-hold finger on icon for touch screen right clicking) on the
Tobii Dynavox Gaze Interaction Settings
, in the Notification area and select
Show track status
Positioning Guide
For extra assistance in positioning, there is a
Positioning guide
that will show itself automatically in the bottom-right corner of
your monitor.
Positioning guide
is a visual guide that combines the function of the Track Status viewer with six different image based
instructions to help the user with correct positioning.
Tobii PCEye Go User’s manual v.2.8 - en-US
4 Using the Tobii PCEye Go