To turn Off the Positioning Guide:
Gaze Interaction Settings > System Settings
Select to clear the
Enable positioning guide
check box.
For more information about the Positioning Guide, see
4.1.3 Positioning Guide
System Information
To view the version and model of the device:
Open the
Gaze Interaction Settings > System Information
Please have this information available if you have problems with the device and need to contact Customer Support.
By clicking
Copy all information
you can paste the information into a document (such as Notepad or WordPad) or directly in-
to an e-mail.
Upgrade Eye Tracker Firmware
If there is a new Firmware for the Eye Tracker module, the
button will be selectable.
Select the
button to start upgrading the Firmware for the Eye Tracker.
A Pop up notification will be shown when starting the Tobii Dynavox Gaze Interaction Settings if there is a Upgrade
for the Eye Tracker Firmware.
5 Gaze Interaction Settings
Tobii PCEye Go User’s manual v.2.8 - en-US