3. Select:
Select to move the App into
(Full-screen) view
Select one of the
(Target) to move the App to the
new Target area.
Drag the App to the
(Close) icon in the bottom mid-
dle of the screen to close the App.
For example: If an App is Snapped to the left or right, select:
1. The
2. Select the left or right area.
3. Select:
Select to move the App into
(Full-screen) view
Select one of the
(Target) to move the App to the
new Target area.
Drag the App to the
(Close) icon in the bottom mid-
dle of the screen to close the App.
To Snap More Apps
To be able to Snap more than two Apps on the screen, the
(Drag and Drop) Task from the Taskbar must be used, see
Table 4.1 Number of Apps on Screen Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, page 24
for more information about how many Apps can
be visible at the same time on the screen. With the
(Drag & Drop) it is possible to customize the width of each Snap area
4 Using the Tobii PCEye Go
Tobii PCEye Go User’s manual v.2.8 - en-US