Service Manual for the Thermador Pro Grand Next Generation 48-Inch Natural Gas and LP Gas Ranges, Models:
PRG486JDG/01, PRL486JDG/01
Page 36 of 92
Standard Valve Removal and Replacement
The standard valves do not have XLO or XHI functionality.
Standard valves are accessible from under the maintop, and can be
replaced without removing the control panel.
Be sure to check QuickFinder for relevant information, documentation,
and the correct part number when replacing this component.
Figure 42: Standard Valve
1. Follow all safety precautions and steps in
2. Follow all steps in
Accessing Components under the Maintop
3. Remove the control panel (see
4. Use a 9/16 inch wrench to remove the hex nuts on the gas tube
that is connected to the standard valve and to the jet holder
assembly, and then remove the tube.
5. From under the manifold, use a 1/4 inch wrench to remove and
retain the valve screw that secures the standard valve onto the
manifold. Be careful not to lose the rubber washer attached to the
screw (see Figure 49, page 39)
6. Remove the standard valve from the manifold. Be careful not to
lose the red rubber washer attached to the standard valve.
7. Use a T-10 driver to remove and retain the screw on the
microswitch (see Figure 43) and then pull the microswitch off the
alignment pin on the standard valve.
You do not have to detach the wires connected to the
microswitch terminals if you are just servicing the standard valve.
8. Replace the standard valve if needed.
Gas Leaks
With electrical power off, carefully check for gas leaks at each gas
component that was removed, replaced, or otherwise serviced using a
gas leak detector (electronic leak detectors are highly recommended)
or bubble test.
Figure 43: Standard Valve with Microswitch on Manifold
Screw connecting microswitch to standard valve