Thermo Scientific
Accela Pump Hardware Manual
To properly maintain your pump, monitor its performance. If the pressure pulsation increases
or the proportioning accuracy decreases, take remedial action. To lengthen the lifespan of the
seals, always flush the piston guide bushings with distilled water after pumping buffered
The liquid displacement assembly (LDA) contains the parts of the pump that are subject to
routine wear and tear. These parts are the primary piston seals, the pistons, and the check
valves. Occasionally, the secondary piston seals, the check valve film seals in the top and
bottom of the displacement chambers, and the outlet film seal might also require replacement.
If you detect a leak from the LDA, remove the LDA from the pump, disassemble the LDA,
clean its components, and replace the primary piston seals.
Do not disassemble the dynamic mixer. It does not contain serviceable parts.
Flushing the Piston Guide Bushings
Minimizing Pump Pulsation
Cleaning the LDA Components after Disassembling the LDA
Removing the LDA from the Pump
Disassembling the LDA
Replacing the Primary Pistons Seals
Assembling the Liquid Displacement Assembly
Connecting the LDA to the Pump
Servicing the Proportioning Valves
Replacing the Solvent Reservoir Filters
Replacing a Fuse