Functional Description
Accela Pump Hardware Manual
Thermo Scientific
Dynamic Mixer
Adding the dynamic mixer to the Accela Pump ensures mixing of complex or relatively
incompatible solvents and reduces the chromatographic baseline noise for applications using
proportioned mobile phases. The integrated dynamic mixer also increases the accuracy and
reproducibility of complex ternary and quaternary gradients. The dynamic mixer adds 35
of gradient delay volume to the system. You can plumb the system to bypass the dynamic
mixer for mobile phases that do not require additional mixing.
If you have an older version of the Accela Pump, a Thermo Fisher Scientific field service
representative can install the dynamic mixer on site for a service charge and the cost of the
Accela Pump Dynamic Mixer Upgrade Kit.
Keep the pulse dampener flush valve closed during normal operation of the
pump. If you do accidentally open the valve while you are pumping an acidic or buffered
mobile phase, prime the pulse dampener with an organic solvent such as IPA or methanol
as soon as you notice the error. Because the pulse dampener is composed of two dissimilar
metals, titanium and stainless steel, leaving acids or buffered solutions inside it leads to
galvanic corrosion and increased baseline noise.