Replacing the Solvent Reservoir Filters
Thermo Scientific
Accela Pump Hardware Manual
Replacing the Solvent Reservoir Filters
The solvent reservoir filter removes particulate matter from the mobile phase before it enters
the solvent line. Eventually particulate matter from the mobile phase builds up on the filter
and restricts the flow of solvent. A clogged solvent reservoir filter can cause the formation of
air bubbles in the solvent line, erratic flow rates, and an abnormally low system backpressure.
To you determine that the solvent reservoir filter is clogged, remove the filter from the solvent
line and monitor the system backpressure as the pump draws solvent into the solvent line. If
the pressure trace is normal in the absence of the solvent reservoir filter, replace the filter.
Thermo Fisher Scientific offers two solvent reservoir filters: a 10 micron pore size Teflon™
filter (P/N A4258-010
and a 10 micron pore size stainless steel filter (P/N A4929-010
Figure 67
shows the Teflon filter.
Figure 67.
Solvent reservoir filter and solvent line
End of solvent line that has been
scored by the solvent reservoir filter
Solvent reservoir filter