Using the Live Capture Web Application
Live Capture Controls and Operation Status
Lightspeed Live Capture User Guide
Channel Previews Panel
When the Channels option is selected, the Channel Previews panel displays a
thumbnail of video from each of the available workflow channel cards.
The selected channel card, indicated by blue bars on the top and bottom of the
channel card, plays in the Display and Information panel to the right.
Selections and menus along the top control channel ganging (triggering multiple
records at once but not necessarily on all channels), channel filtering, and recording
Each channel shows a channel name and displays a thumbnail of incoming video.
Each channel shows a gray trigger type, a yellow gang/ungang button, a red and
green Recording or Ready (Stopped) bar, and a yellow queued job bar.
A vertical ellipsis button provides access to menus for each channel.
The bottom right corner includes red Record and Record Options buttons for one-
button recording and easy access to recording settings.
Channel Previews panel controls are described in detail in the following topics:
Configuring the Custom Ganged Recording Defaults