Appendix B: Containers, Codecs, and Vantage Actions
Primary Output - Video Codecs
Lightspeed Live Capture User Guide
Supported Container
Bit Rate (in kbps)
- Between 512 and 300,000
GOP Structure
Sets the GOP Structure as a combination of I frames, B frames, and P frames.
I frame-only structures have a lower visual quality but are well suited for editing. Longer
GOP structures have higher visual quality and are best suited for playout.
GOP Configuration
Specifies the type of GOP structure: Open GOP or Closed GOP.
Start with I Frame
When checked, specifies that the GOP start with an I-frame (display and coded order).
Motion Estimation Factor
Indicates how much motion estimation to use when encoding the video stream. A
higher value results in higher quality and increases the encode time. The default is 80
and the range is 1 to 100.
Adjusts MPEG profile:
- High
- Main
- 4:4:2
Adjusts MPEG level:
- High
- High 1440
- Main
Adjusts chroma subsampling:
- 4:2:0