Input the partnumber of the actuator to be used in the “Search from Part No. area”.
A list of part numbers of the actuators matching the conditions will be displayed by clicking the
"Result" button. Select the actuator to be connected.
If the part number of the actuator to be used is already known, input the part number until stroke.
Example) When the LEY16RA-
100BML is ordered, input ‘LEY16RA-100’.
When the LER series is used, input the part number including the rotation angle.
Example) When the LERH30K-
3L is ordered, input ‘LERH30K-3’.
When there is no match in the results even when the stroke is input, the possible causes could be :
(a) No applicable stroke
Input the part number without the stroke. Select the closest model to the actuator being used,
with a stroke which is longer than that of the actuator being used.
Example) When LEY16RA-
75 is ordered, input ‘LEY16RA-100’.
(b) For LEFSH (High precision type)
Input LEFS to search.
Example) When LEFSH25RH-
300 isordered, input ‘LEFS25RH-300’
(c) When a Clean type (11-) or Secondary battery type (25A-) is ordered.
Search without inputting 11- or 25A-, and find the actuator to which 11- or 25A- is applicable.
Example) When 11-LEFSH16A-
100BR is ordered, input ‘LEFS16A-100’
When the stroke parameter selected is longer than the stroke of the actuator to be used, the
"position" input to the step data must not exceed the actuator stroke range.
When there is no actuator match, consult SMC.
Search from Part No. area