TC63 AT Command Set
15.1 AT^SRSA
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Error SAP mode is already active.
Error invalid parameter.
Device identification
Arbitrary number assigned on RSA activation by the host. Used for all subsequent RSA communication (AT
commands and URCs) during the activated session. Different numbers shall be used for SAP server and client.
SIM usage scheme of the TC63
Direct switch from SAP server to SAP client mode and vice versa is not supported.
Local SIM
If this parameter value is used with write command meaning depends on
SAP server
Enable Remote SIM Access usage whereas the TC63 acts as SIM Access
server. It waits for a SAP message CONNECT_REQ to deregister from the net-
work and then acts as a SIM card reader. However, under the following condi-
tions the TC63 will not react to CONNECT_REQ messages:
• During any calls (voice or data),
• if a GPRS context is activated,
• if Remote-SAT interface is activated (
) and a proactive command
is ongoing.
SAP client
Enable Remote SIM Access usage whereas the TC63 acts as SIM Access cli-
ent. It starts sending CONNECT_REQ messages periodically, refer to param-
. Under the same conditions listed above the TC63 will
neither send CONNECT_REQ messages nor a SIM switch will take place.
The client deregisters from the network if a local SIM was used before and
switches to a remote SIM when
• SAP message CONNECT_RESP is received,
• SAP message STATUS_IND is received,
• SAP message ATR_RESP is received after the appropriate request was
issued by the client.
Serial multiplexer channel number
Logical channels 2 and 3 can be reserved for RSA traffic on serial interface multiplexer. Multiplex mode shall be
enabled before RSA activation via
Number of multiplex channels is implementation specific, please refer to
and multiplex documentation
supplied with the TC63. If for instance three logical channels are implemented these are referenced as numbers
1 - 3. The selected multiplexer channel is dedicated to RSA communication. However, it is not possible to
reserve logical channel number 1 for RSA traffic because only on this channel the TC63 can perform circuit
switched data transfer, e.g. FAX or data calls. If no channel is supplied channel on which command is issued is