TC63 AT Command Set
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Confidential / Draft - Do not copy
Password for programming the Customer SIM Lock.
8-digit "CM" password for the facility "PN" that needs to be created with
(see note below for further
details). This password is mandatory for each operation performed with
PUK created and required when entering the Customer SIM Lock data with
, i.e. if
=1. Also
used to deactivate a given "PN" lock or to activate a new "PN" lock for another SIM card via
The length of the
is also 8 digits.
Each time the
write command is issued with parameter
=1 you are free to use the same
or to set a new one. In any case, a new
overwrites the previous one.
Data of the allowed network operators.
Each operator code consists of the "Mobile Country Code" MCC and the "Mobile Network Code" MNC, both sep-
arated by a dot, e.g. MCC1.MNC1. If more than one operator is entered on the same line, then a colon must be
set between each operator code, e.g. MCC1.MNC1:MCC2.MNC2:MCC3.MNC3. For example, for the three
operators T-Mobile D, Vodafone D2 and E-Plus you would enter the following data: 262.01:262.02:262.03
Note that each time the
write command is executed using the parameter
=1 the existing
operator codes will not be overwritten, but all new data will be added to the list. This applies no matter whether
the same operator code is already listed, i.e. entering the same operator again causes double entries.
The maximum number of entries in the operator list is 50.
• All parameters of
as well as the "CM" password of
can be used no matter whether or not
the SIM card is inserted or PIN authentication has been done. This allows the application manufacturer to set
the "CM" password and activate the Customer SIM Lock during the production process.
• The Customer SIM Lock takes effect after the
write command was successfully executed with
=1. Then, after the reboot, the mobile will accept only SIM cards from the supported
• To remove the Customer SIM Lock use the write command
=0 and
="PN",0,password. This will delete both the
and the list of operators. The mobile will accept
any SIM card.
• Another way to operate the mobile with other SIM cards is to deactivate the Customer SIM Lock using the
="PN",0,PUK. This will delete the list of operators specified with the Customer SIM Lock,
but the
created for the Customer SIM Lock remains valid. The mobile will accept any SIM card.
• If the Customer SIM Lock is deactivated and, therefore, operable with any SIM card, the end user may use
to set a new SIM lock. To do so, it is necessary to enter the command
="PN",1,PUK first,
then insert a different SIM card and finally restart the mobile. When restarted, the mobile will read out and
accept the list of operators of the currently inserted SIM card. As a result, a new Customer SIM Lock takes
effect for the operator(s) listed on this SIM card.
• If the Customer SIM Lock is active, but the end user inserts an unsupported SIM card and enters PIN1 the
mobile returns OK, although access to SIM related commands (such as dialing out, access to phonebooks,
SMS etc.) will be denied. If then the read command
is executed the mobile will request the PH-NET
PUK. In this case, you have two options: Use the
command to enter the correct
of the Cus-
tomer SIM Lock. After this, the mobile can be operated with the new SIM card. As an alternative, re-insert the
correct SIM card associated with the Customer SIM Lock and deactivate the lock via
• If an invalid
is entered several times in succession, a delay incremented after each
failed attempt will increase the time to wait before the next input is accepted. The delay follows the same tim-
ing algorithm specified for the PH-SIM PUK (Master Phone Code). For details regarding the delay see Section
What to do if PIN or password authentication fails?