[dw_7SR5_function87TStructureOfTheFunction2, 1, en_US]
Figure 5-49
Basic Principle of Differential Protection Using the Example of 2 Sides
illustrates the biased differential (87T-BD) and highset differential (87T-HS) characteristics.
The line currents are measured and modified by the
ICT Multiplier
ICT Connection
settings (see
3.1.1) before being applied to the differential elements.
87T-BD Pickup Characteristic
The differential elements calculate the operate current for each phase from the vector sum of each winding
current i.e.
[fo_IoperateFunction87T, 1, en_US]
The bias (or restraint) current is calculated from the total current of winding 1 and winding 2 currents i.e.
[fo_IbiasFunction87T, 1, en_US]
87T-BD setting represents the sensitivity threshold of the differential protection and considers constant unbal-
ance current e.g. magnetizing current.
87T-BD S1 considers steady state errors during normal operating conditions. These faults can occur for the
following reasons:
Transformation errors in the current transformer and the input transformer of the device
Adaptation deviations and tap changers in transformers with voltage control (but only if the tap changer
position is not taken into account in the differential protection)
87T-BD S2 protects the differential protection against incorrect operation during high-current external faults
and transformer saturation. In this area, CT saturation can occur due to high short-circuit currents resulting in
increased measurement of differential current.
Protection and Automation Functions
5.22 87T Transformer Differential Protection
Reyrolle 7SR5, Transformer Protection Device, Device Manual
C53000-G7040-C015-1, Edition 11.2019