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T R A N S L A T I O N O F T H E O R I G I N A L I N S T R U C T I O N S | Telematic Data Collector
Processing and visualizing sensor data on the SICK online portal
The SICK online portal is a standard cloud solution. It is the central platform used for
processing and visualizing the delivered sensor data.
Components of the SICK online portal
The cloud server receives and stores the sensor data transmitted by an individual TDC
The data can be visualized in real time on a web-based user interface. Sensor data can be
accessed from any computer or mobile device by logging in to the portal site. All common
web browsers are supported.
Sensor data can then be transferred to a customer application using an API interface.
Fig. 10: Components of the SICK online portal
Multi-client capability and access rights
The cloud solution has multi-client capability, which allows the SICK online portal to be
used by multiple clients on the same server, with each client only being able to view and
edit their own data.
The SICK online portal is accessed from a browser using the URL of the cloud server.
Users must log in using a user name and password.
At the client level, the SICK online portal also supports various user levels with
corresponding access rights as far as sensor data and program functions are concerned.
Fig. 11: Multi-client capability and access rights on the SICK online portal