Installing the FingerKey
Choosing the Location for the Reader
Before you begin installation, check the site blueprints, riser diagrams, and specifications
for important information about reader location. Look for any existing wall preparations
and wiring that other contractors may have installed for the reader.
The reader’s sensor window may be from 40–48 inches (102–122 cm) from the floor. For
best performance, we recommend 48 inches. This makes reading the display, pushing
buttons, and placing fingers comfortable for most people. The reader should be out of the
path of traffic. It should be close to the door but not behind it. Don’t put the reader where
users must cross the swing path of the door.
The reader must not be exposed to airborne dust, direct sunlight, water, or chemicals.
40 - 48 in
(102 - 122 cm.)
Figure 3-1: Reader Placement Rules