Hardware Manual for the PCD3 Series│Document 26/789; Version E 5│31.01.2005
Controls AG
3.19.1 Internal supply to PCD3.C200/T76x expansion housings ............................. 3-32
3.19.3 Connections to PCD3.Cxxx LIO module holders .......................................... 3-34
3.19.5 Connections to PCD3.T76x RIO head station for 4 modules ........................ 3-36
Summary of onboard interfaces and plug-in interface modules ...................... 4-1
RS232 connector (Port 0) as communication interface and as connection
for programming unit (PCD3.M5xx0 only) ....................................................... 4-6
Serial interfaces on I/O module Slot 0 (Port 1) ............................................... 4-8
4.5.3 RS 232 with PCD3.F121 (suitable for modem) ............................................. 4-12
5.1.2 Power requirements of the PCD3....-cassettes ............................................. 5-4
5.2.2 PCD3.E160, 16 digital inputs, ribbon cable connector .................................. 5-10
5.2.3 PCD3.E165, 16 digital inputs, screwless terminals ....................................... 5-12
5.2.7 PCD3.A410, 8 digital outputs for 0.5 A each, galvanically isolated ............... 5-21
5.2.8 PCD3.A460, 16 digital outputs for 0.5A each, ribbon cable connector ......... 5-23
5.3.1 PCD3.A200, 4 relay contacts, type “NO”, with contact protection ................ 5-30
5.3.2 PCD3.A210, 4 relays with “normally closed” contacts, with contact
5.3.3 PCD3.A220, 6 relay contacts, type “NO”, w/o contact protection ................. 5-34