Remote Control Basics
Operating Manual 1411.4060.32 ─ 04
If a connection cannot be set up, check whether the controller and the instrument are
connected to the network (network cable) and switched on. Correct spelling of the IP
address or the computer name can also be checked. For further error location, inform
the network administrator. In large networks, specification of additional addresses
may be required for link setup, e.g. gateway and subnet mask, which are known to
the network administrator.
The instrument is now registered in the program and can be addressed via the
resource string or alias name.
Starting a remote control over LAN (using VXI-11)
1. Start the 'Measurement & Automation Explorer' on the controller.
2. In the "Configuration" window, select "Device and Interfaces > VISA TCP/IP Resour-
ces", select the required instrument and select "Open VISA Test Panel".
3. In the "viWrite" tab, write the command to be send to the instrument and select
Starting a Remote Control Session