Manual Operation
Operating Manual 1411.4060.32 ─ 04
The help dialog is displayed. A topic containing information about the current menu
or the currently opened dialog box and its function is displayed.
On top, the help dialog box contains a navigation bar with:
"Contents" - accesses a table of help contents
"Index" - switches to an index table
"Back "/"Previous"/"Next" for navigation to further help topics
Navigating in the table of contents
1. To move through the displayed contents entries, use the UP/DOWN keys. Entries
that contain further entries are marked with a plus sign.
2. To display a help topic, press the "ENTER" key.
The corresponding help topic is displayed.
Navigating in the help topics
1. To scroll through a page, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys.
2. To jump to the linked topic, press the link text.
3. Use the "Previous" or "Next" links to jump to the corresponding topic.
4. Use the "Scroll Right" or "Scroll Left" buttons to shift the indicated area of the navi-
gation window to the left or right.
Using the Index
1. Select "Index".
2. Enter the first characters of the topic you are interested in. The entries starting with
these characters are displayed.
3. Press the ENTER key to change the focus.
4. Use the UP/DOWN keys to navigate and select the suitable keyword.
5. Press the ENTER key to display the help topic.
The corresponding help topic is displayed.
How to Use the Help System