RF627, RF627Smart [Revision 2.1.2] 20.09.2021
Laser Scanners
The inputs are created by the user using the context menu.
The outputs are created by the user using the context menu.
“phys out” - output of results to physical outputs of the device. Since physical outputs can
only be in two mutually exclusive states (“TRUE”, “FALSE”), the following conversion rule
applies: if the value of the input scalar is greater than “0”, then the output is “TRUE”,
otherwise - “FALSE”.
The value transmitted to physical output #1.
The value transmitted to physical output #2.
"ModbusTCP" - transmitting and receiving data over ModbusTCP.
The addresses of the objects ("Coils", "Discrete inputs", "Input registers", "Holding
registers") are independent and can overlap. Inputs and outputs of the block are generated
dynamically using the context menu. Boolean inputs are always located in the "Discrete
inputs" object, and Boolean outputs - in the "Coils" object. Inputs of other available types
will be located in the "Input registers" object, outputs - in the "Holding registers" object. For
inputs and outputs other than Boolean (the "Input registers" and "Holding registers"
objects), data size conversion is possible. For example, the type of the block input is Float
and occupies 4 bytes, but the responder can only work with the Float16 type of 2 bytes.
The user can specify that it is necessary to write data to the output register (2 bytes in size
according to the Modbus specification) with a reduction to a size of 2 bytes: