Laser Scanners
RF627, RF627Smart [Revision 2.1.2] 20.09.2021
Expected radius, mm
- sets the minimum and maximum radii of the arc circle. If,
as a result of the approximation of a profile element, an arc is obtained, the radius
of the circle of which does not fit into the specified limits, then this element will be
approximated by a segment.
Average deviation, mm
- the admissible value of the average (by points) error of
approximating a profile element by an arc. If this parameter is exceeded, the
element is approximated by a segment.
Merge threshold, mm
- the threshold for combining consecutive (adjacent) arcs
into one. It sets the maximum deviation of the centers of the circles of arcs and
their radii for combining them into one arc with averaging the parameters.
Influence of parameters on the approximation of the profile by arcs:
Initial profile
Enable = OFF
Enable = ON, Min size = 15, Expected radius =
3...36 mm, Accuracy = 0.1 mm
Expected radius = 8...36 mm
Accuracy = 0.5 mm
Accuracy = 0.3 mm
Merge threshold = 0.5 mm
Merge threshold = 2 mm