NautoPilot® 5000 Series
Operator Manual
Edition: 003
1.1 About the manuals
There are 2 different manuals for the NautoPilot® 5000 Series:
- Operator Manual
- Service Manual
The Operator Manual contains a basic description, technical data and
operating procedures.
The Service Manual covers installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair.
In some cases, the manual for an Autopilot Interface, type 102-891 should also
be referred to.
An installation of 2 master NautoPilot® Operator
Units is possible only in an integrated application
not in combination with an Autopilot Interface.
If it is not specified, all data refers to all versions of
NautoPilot®, type 102- 890.
Detailed data are specified with the following versions:
NautoPilot® 5100
NautoPilot® 5300
NautoPilot® 5400 and
NautoPilot® 5500