FM Stereo Option R&S
Operating Manual 1176.7561.02 ─ 06
To re-open the edit dialog box for manual value definition, select the "Man" mode
If the defined reference level cannot be set for the given RF attenuation, the reference
level is adjusted accordingly and the warning "Limit reached" is output.
Remote command:
Ref Level Offset
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the arithmetic level offset. This offset is added to the
measured level irrespective of the selected unit. The scaling of the y-axis is changed
accordingly. The setting range is ±200 dB in 0.1 dB steps.
Remote command:
Input (AC/DC)
Toggles the RF input of the R&S
FSVA/FSV between AC and DC coupling.
This function is not available for input from the R&S Digital I/Q Interface (option
Remote command:
Input 50 Ω/75 Ω
Uses 50 Ω or 75 Ω as reference impedance for the measured levels. Default setting is
50 Ω.
The setting 75 Ω should be selected if the 50 Ω input impedance is transformed to a
higher impedance using a 75 Ω adapter of the RAZ type (= 25 Ω in series to the input
impedance of the instrument). The correction value in this case is 1.76 dB = 10 log (75
Ω/50 Ω).
All levels specified in this Operating Manual refer to the default setting of the instru-
ment (50 Ω).
This function is not available for input from the R&S Digital I/Q Interface (option
Remote command:
Softkeys of the Bandwidth Menu – BW Key (R&S
The following table shows all softkeys available in the "Bandwidth" menu in FM Stereo
mode (BW key).
Instrument Functions FM Stereo (R&S