FM Stereo Option R&S
Operating Manual 1176.7561.02 ─ 06
AM display:
0.0001 % to 1000 %
FM display:
1 Hz/div to 100 MHz/div
PM display:
0.0001 rad/div to 1000 rad/div
The softkey is not available if logarithmic display is set ( "Deviation Lin/Log" softkey).
Remote command:
Reference Position ← AF Range
Determines the position of the reference line for the modulation depth or the phase
deviation (Analog Demodulation only) or frequency deviation on the y-axis of the dia-
gram. By default, this line is set to 0.
The position is entered as a percentage of the diagram height with 100 % correspond-
ing to the upper diagram border. The default setting is 50 % (diagram center) for the
display of the AM, FM, or PM signal, and 100 % (upper diagram border) for the AF
spectrum display of the AM, FM, or PM signal.
Remote command:
Reference Value ← AF Range
Determines the modulation depth or the phase deviation (Analog Demodulation only)
or the frequency deviation at the reference line of the y-axis. The reference value is set
separately for each display of the AM, FM, and PM signal and the AF spectrum of the
AM, FM, and PM signal.
AM/FM/PM signal display
The trace display takes individual frequency/phase offsets into account (in contrast,
softkey permits automatic correction by the average fre-
quency/phase offset of the signal, and can therefore not be activated simultane-
Possible values: 0 and ± 10000 % (AM), 0 and ± 10 MHz (FM), 0 and ± 10000 rad
AF spectrum display of the AM/FM/PM signal
In the default setting, the reference value defines the modulation depth or the
FM/PM deviation at the upper diagram border.
Possible values: 0 and 10000 % (AM), 0 and 10 MHz (FM), 0 and 10000 rad (PM).
Remote command:
AF Coupling AC/DC ← AF Range
Controls the automatic correction of the frequency offset and phase offset of the input
This function is not available with the AF spectrum display of the FM or PM sig-
FM signal display
Instrument Functions FM Stereo (R&S