FM Stereo Option R&S
Operating Manual 1176.7561.02 ─ 06
FM Stereo Option R&S
The firmware option "FM Stereo" extends the "Analog Demodulation" option K7 to han-
dle FM stereo signals. The "FM Stereo" mode requires an instrument equipped with
the corresponding optional software, as well as the Analog Demodulation option (K7).
This section contains all information required for operation of an R&S
equipped with Application Firmware R&S
FSV–K7S. It covers operation via menus and
the remote control commands for FM stereo analog demodulation measurements.
Chapter 3.1, "Instrument Functions FM Stereo (R&S
shows all softkeys available in the "FM Stereo" menu. This chapter also presents
the remote control commands associated with each softkey function.
The following chapters describe the softkeys of the other keys for the FM Stereo
Chapter 3.2, "Remote Commands of the FM Stereo Option (R&S
on page 227 describes all remote control commands defined for the FM Stereo
This part of the documentation includes only additional functions of the Application
Firmware R&S
FSV–K7S. For all other descriptions, please refer to the description of
the Analog Demodulation option K7 (see
Chapter 2.2.1, "Softkeys of the Analog
Instrument Functions FM Stereo (R&S
The firmware option R&S
FSV–K7S (together with the Analog Demodulation option K7)
provides the necessary measurement functions to demodulate FM stereo signals. It
allows you to detect and analyze characteristic data in an FM stereo signal.
To open the FM Stereo menu
If the "FM Stereo" mode is not the active measurement mode, press the [MODE]
key and select the "FM Stereo" softkey.
If the "FM Stereo" mode is already active, press the [HOME] key or the [MEAS]
The "FM Stereo" menu is displayed.
Menu and softkey description
The following softkey menus are specific to the FM Stereo option:
Chapter 3.1.2, "Softkeys of the FM Stereo Menu - MEAS key (K7S)"
Chapter 3.1.3, "Softkeys of the Amplitude Menu – AMPT Key (R&S
Chapter 3.1.6, "Softkeys of the Marker Function Menu – MKR FUNC Key
Instrument Functions FM Stereo (R&S