Analog Demodulation Option R&S
Operating Manual 1176.7561.02 ─ 06
quency/phase offset of the signal, and can therefore not be activated simultane-
Possible values: 0 and ± 10000 % (AM), 0 and ± 10 MHz (FM), 0 and ± 10000 rad
AF spectrum display of the AM/FM/PM signal
In the default setting, the reference value defines the modulation depth or the
FM/PM deviation at the upper diagram border.
Possible values: 0 and 10000 % (AM), 0 and 10 MHz (FM), 0 and 10000 rad (PM).
Remote command:
AF Coupling AC/DC ← AF Range ← AM
Controls the automatic correction of the frequency offset and phase offset of the input
This function is not available with the AF spectrum display of the FM or PM sig-
FM signal display
If DC is selected, the absolute frequency is displayed, i.e. an input signal with an
offset relative to the center frequency is not displayed symmetrically with respect to
the zero line.
If AC is selected, the frequency offset is automatically corrected, i.e. the trace is
always symmetric with respect to the zero line.
PM signal display
If DC is selected, the phase runs according to the existing frequency offset. In addi-
tion, the DC signal contains a phase offset of ± π.
If AC is selected, the frequency offset and phase offset are automatically corrected,
i.e. the trace is always symmetric with respect to the zero line.
Remote command:
Deviation Lin/Log ← AF Range ← AM
Switches between logarithmic and linear display of the modulation depth or the phase
deviation (Analog Demodulation only) or the frequency deviation.
Remote command:
Unit ← AF Range ← AM
Opens a submenu to define the modulation unit.
Phase Unit (Rad/Deg) ← Unit ← AF Range ← AM
Sets the phase unit to rad or deg for displaying PM signals.
Remote command:
THD Unit (% / DB) ← Unit ← AF Range ← AM
Sets the unit to percent or DB for THD measurements.
Softkeys of the Analog Demodulation option