FM Stereo Option R&S
Operating Manual 1176.7561.02 ─ 06
Trigger Source
Opens the "Trg Source" submenu to select the trigger source.
In "FM Stereo" mode, the next measurement is triggered if the selected input signal
exceeds the threshold specified using the
on page 66 softkey. A peri-
odic signal modulated onto the carrier frequency can be displayed in this way. It is rec-
ommended that the measurement time covers at least five periods of the audio signal.
For triggering to be successful, the measurement time must cover at least 5 periods of
the audio signal.
Remote command:
Free Run ← Trigger Source
The start of a sweep is not triggered. Once a measurement is completed, another is
started immediately.
Remote command:
, see
External ← Trigger Source
Defines triggering via a TTL signal at the "EXT TRIG/GATE IN" input connector on the
rear panel.
Remote command:
, see
RF Power ← Trigger Source
Defines triggering of the measurement via signals which are outside the measurement
This trigger mode is available with detector board 1307.9554.02 Rev 05.00 or higher. It
is not available for input from the R&S Digital I/Q Interface (option R&S
FSV-B17). If
RF Power trigger mode is selected and digital baseband input is activated, the trigger
mode is automatically switched to "Free Run".
RF power triggers are not available together with the bandwidth extension option
In RF Power trigger mode the instrument uses a level detector at the first intermediate
frequency. The detector threshold can be selected in a range between - 50
dBm and
dBm at the input mixer. The resulting trigger level at the RF input lies within the
following range:
(-24dBm + RF Att ) ≤ Triggerlevel ≤ (+5dBm + RF Att), max. 30 dBm, for Preamp =
(-40dBm + RF Att ) ≤ Triggerlevel ≤ (-11dBm + RF Att), max. 30 dBm, for Preamp = ON
Instrument Functions FM Stereo (R&S