FM Stereo Option R&S
Operating Manual 1176.7561.02 ─ 06
Screen configuration
For each screen you can define:
: Whether it is displayed or not
: Whether a result summary for all screens is displayed instead of a dia-
RF Diagrams
: Whether an RF diagram is displayed; these displays correspond to
those for Analog Demodulation mode (R&S
FSV-K7, see
FM Stereo Diagrams: For which channel a time domain or spectrum diagram
is displayed
Diagram types
The following diagram types can be selected for display.
RF Time Domain
Selects the display of the RF power in zero span. In contrast to normal analyzer
operation, the level values are the magnitude of the I/Q data set.
SCPI command:
RF Spectrum
Selects the display of the RF signal in span > 0. In contrast to normal spectrum
analyzer operation, the measured values are determined using FFT from the recor-
ded I/Q data set.
SCPI command:
<FM Stereo Channel Type> Time Domain
Selects the display of the channel power in zero span. In contrast to normal ana-
lyzer operation, the level values are the magnitude of the I/Q data set.
SCPI command:
CALC:FEED 'XTIM:SFM:<ChannelType>'
, e.g.
<FM Stereo Channel Type> Spectrum
Selects the display of the channel signal in span > 0. In contrast to normal spec-
trum analyzer operation, the measured values are determined using FFT from the
recorded I/Q data set.
SCPI command:
CALC:FEED 'XFR:SFM:<ChannelType>'
, e.g.
Diagram header information
For each diagram, the header provides the following information:
Instrument Functions FM Stereo (R&S