14 Planmeca PlanCAM software as part of milling
The templates for components to be milled are transferred from CAD design
software (e.g. PlanCAD Premium) as an STL file to Planmeca PlanCAM
software. The components are positioned in a blank in Planmeca PlanCAM.
Subsequently, settings such as process speed, insertion depth of the milling
cutter, milling sequence and scaling are automatically specified for further
processing. Planmeca PlanCAM generates the milling paths and calculates
a milling file. The completed milling file is transferred to milling unit control
software and after validation, the milling process can be started.
Milling file identifiers
After processing the workpiece to be produced in Planmeca PlanCAM
software, a file is created with the ending
This file contains all relevant data that is required for executing the milling
process. The created file name contains the date and time of creation.
14 Planmeca PlanCAM software as part of milling process
52 Planmeca PlanMill 60 S
User's manual