Note: The cables in any Pillar Axiom 600 system must be either all copper
or all optical. The single exception is for single Slammer Pillar Axiom 600
systems with all SFP Slammer ports. Use optical SFP cables for the hotwire
connections from ports CU0 FC0 to CU1 FC2 and the ports CU1 FC0 to
CU0 FC2. Use copper cables for the rest of the Pillar Axiom 600 system.
Tip: The input data connection to a Brick RAID controller is the FC2 port,
which is connected directly to a Slammer or to the next Brick upstream in a
Brick string.
Tip: The output data connection on a Brick RAID controller is the FC1 port,
which is left empty or connected to the next Brick downstream in a Brick string.
Tip: The FC0 and FC3 ports are crossover ports between the Brick RAID
controllers for redundancy. The FC0 port in each RAID controller is
connected to the FC3 port of the partner RAID controller.
Dress all the cables so that you can remove any components without
disconnecting a cable. Dress all power cables to the opposite side of the
rack from any data cables. We recommend dressing the power cables to
the left side (when facing the rear of the cabinet).
3 Make sure the power switches on the back of the new Bricks are off before
connecting the power cables.
4 Dress the power cables and plug them into the power distribution units
(PDUs) according to the cabling plan you devised during the earlier
preparatory steps.
5 Verify that all drives are seated properly by pressing on each one to make
sure it is fully seated.
They are seated correctly if they do not go in any further and none extend
out more than the others.
6 Make sure the Pillar Axiom 600 system is powered on and all the new
cables are in place.
Important! Ensure that the Pillar Axiom 600 system is in Normal status and
that there are no topology or hardware incompatibility errors or pending
software system alerts or topology discovery tasks before you begin the
next step, so that the system can detect and integrate the new Brick.
7 Check the status of all the LUNs and make sure that they are fully online.
No LUN or filesystem should be Offline, Partial Offline, Degraded, or
Appendix D Expansion of a Pillar Axiom 600 System Configuration
About Expanding a Pillar Axiom 600 Configuration