Verify the Back Status LEDs
At the back of the system:
1 Verify that the connectivity LEDs on each Pilot control unit (CU) are green.
Blinking indicates activity, which may be normal during bootup. Sometimes
the Ethernet LEDs are amber even when the Pilot boots up normally. When
the connectivity LEDs are amber, it indicates that the Ethernet LEDs are
running at a one GB level, instead of a 100 MB level.
Note: The Ethernet LEDs may be on even if the DC power to the Pilot is off.
If the LEDs are off, check both Pilot private management inter-connections
and check both public management connections to your Ethernet LAN.
Figure 62 Pilot connectivity LEDs
1 Private LAN connectivity LEDs
2 Public management port connectivity LEDs
Note: This image is for illustration purposes only. Your hardware
component might look different.
2 On the Slammers, verify:
● The power supply LEDs are green and not blinking.
Chapter 6 Complete the Installation
Verify the Back Status LEDs