Certified by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001 as the U.S.
government’s next-generation standard encryption technology. When using AES with a
wireless LAN, you will require an access point that is compatible with AES. It does not offer
compatibility with WEP, but unlike TKIP, it is said to offer fast encryption and decryption
processing, with little effects on communication speed.
– Basic Input/Output
A set of programs responsible for basic control of the computer. BIOS is activated
automatically when the computer is turned on, so the user may not be aware of BIOS and its
On this computer, operations are controlled by BIOS alone until Windows starts up. After
Windows starts up, BIOS and Windows work in harmony to control the computer’s
operations. Setup Utility (
) is a program that operates on BIOS.
An operation in which a mouse button (right or left button) or the touch pad is pressed once,
quickly, and then released. When this operation is executed twice in quick succession, it is
referred to as a “double click” (
). A click is used when selecting or executing a
program, menu item, or piece of data. Clicking the right button is called “right click”, and
clicking the left button is called “left click”, but generally the term “click” refers to a “left click”.
CODEC – COmpression/
A driver (
) or device that compresses and saves large-volume files, like DVD-
Video, and returns the saved data to video or audio format.
Computer Virus
A program that proliferates by spreading an “infection” from one computer to other computers.
Some viruses are highly malicious, destroying computer data, or preventing the computer from
starting up properly. Anti-virus software and other related systems are effective in protecting
computers from viruses. It is also important to execute Windows Updates regularly and to use
the latest Windows Service Packs and correction programs, so that Windows is maintained in
its most recent form.