Gain values above 1.2
Gain values above 1.2 could be the result of one of these issues or a combination of them:
1. Slippage of the goggles. Make sure the strap is tight, the cable from the goggles is clipped to the patient’s right
shoulder or collar with some slack, and there are not gaps between the foam cushion and the patient’s face. For pic-
tures showing good and poor goggles placement, refer to
. The tester should not touch the
strap or goggles during the head impulse test.
2. Patient is too close to the fixation dot. If the patient is closer than 1 meter, you will see increased VOR gains due to
convergence of the eyes. Never stand in front of the patient and have them fixate on your nose when using ICS
Impulse. This method of testing will result in higher VOR gains.
3. During testing, the real time trace showed that the eyes were leading the head but the test was allowed to continue.
If this problem is observed, the goggles and patient setup should be checked before continuing the test.
4. If you have ruled out
, and
it could be that the patient has Meniere’s Disease.
Displaying data and values
To view only left or right gains, click the
window tab and click the
check box. To view both left and
right gains, select both check boxes.
(1)Manzari et al. Rapid fluctuations in dynamic semicircular canal function in early Meniere’s disease. Eur Arch
Otorhinolaryngol 14 Dec 2010.
Otometrics - ICS Impulse USB
9 Head Impulse