Default colors for data shown in the graphs allow those who are color blind to easily distinguish the different colors. To
change the colors used for each type of data, click the
Graph Colors
window tab in the
window. Refer to the
Reference Manual.
The default layout places the right graph (right head and eye velocity data) on the right and the left graph (left head and
eye velocity data) on the left. To switch the layout, click the
Head Impulse
window tab in the
window and select
Display Left Graph on Right Side
. Refer to the Reference Manual.
To remove a test(s), click the button next to the test name in the
column. To add a test(s), click the button next to
the test name in the
column. Only one test for each test type may be selected to display on the hex plot.
The test selections revert back to the test selections in the 2D and 3D Analysis windows when the Hex Plot win-
dow is no longer displayed.
The method for calculating relative right-left vestibulo-ocular reflex asymmetry (the Asymmetry values) is as fol-
Asymmetry % =
1 −
lower gain
higher gain
The calculation is specific to each set of canals: anterior to anterior, lateral to lateral, and posterior to posterior.
Newman-Toker DE, Saber-Tehrani AS, Mantokoudis G, Pula JH, Guede CI, Kerber KA, Blitz A, Ying SH, Hsieh YH, Rothman
RE, Hanley DF, Zee DS, Kattah JC. Quantitative video-oculography to help diagnose stroke in acute vertigo and dizziness:
toward an ECG for the eyes . Stroke.2013;STROKEAHA.111.000033.
Otometrics - ICS Impulse USB
9 Head Impulse