Oculomotor Test
Calibration Graph
a snapshot of the real time eye and head trace during the calibration check
Horizontal Traces
a 10-second recording of the horizontal eye position trace centered around the cursor
For SPV tests, the cursor is positioned in the middle of the culmination
phase unless it has been moved to a different position in the analysis window.
Vertical Traces
a 10-second recording of the vertical eye position trace centered around the cursor
For SPV tests, the cursor is positioned in the middle of the culmination
phase unless it has been moved to a different position in the analysis window.
Peak SPV
the degrees per second of the slow-phase velocity peak as set in the analysis window
for this trace (Applies only to SPV tests.)
Test Remarks
any test remarks in the patient file
Head Impulse Test
Calibration Graph
a snapshot of the real time eye and head trace during the calibration check
Gain Graph
gain graph displayed in the 2D/3D window
Mean Gains
mean gain symbols on the gain graph as displayed in the 2D/3D window (values display
by default)
mean gain symbols and values on the gain graphs displayed in the progress data win-
Age Normative Data
age-based normative cutoff values defined as the mean ± 2 standard deviations
2D Impulse graphs
eye (saccade and VOR) and head traces displayed in the 2D window
Large 2D Impulse
eye (saccade and VOR) and head traces displayed in the 2D window printed larger than
the selection
2D Impulse graphs
Saccade info
number of overt, covert and total saccades in an individual head impulse test (e.g., left
Hex Plot
include eye (saccade and VOR) and head traces and hex plot displayed in the
Hex Plot
Progress Data
gain graphs displayed in the
Progress Data
Otometrics - ICS Impulse USB
12 Reports