Head Impulse Test
Test Info
the numbers of the accepted and rejected head impulses from the collection and ana-
lysis algorithms as displayed in the
window in the 2D/3D window, average frame
rate, and information regarding factors affecting test analysis such as
Patient has Spontaneous Nystagmus
Spontaneous Nystagmus
checked in the
Test Setup
Catch-up Saccade Parameters Modified
(if values were changed in the
Test Remarks
any test remarks in the patient file
Positional Test Options
Calibration Graph
a snapshot of the real time eye and head trace during the calibration check
Horizontal Traces
a 30-second recording of the horizontal eye position trace centered around the cul-
mination phase or centered around the cursor when the cursor has been moved to a
new position in the analysis window
Vertical Traces
a 30-second recording of the vertical eye position trace centered around the cul-
mination phase or centered around the cursor when the cursor has been moved to a
new position in the analysis window
Peak SPV
the degrees per second of the slow-phase velocity peak as set in the analysis window
for this trace
Full Trace Window for
the complete trace of the repositioning test
Test Remarks
any test remarks in the patient file
Report toolbar buttons
The toolbar includes standard buttons for printing the report, saving a modified report, making a PDF file of the report, and
emailing the report.
To change the magnification level of the page
move the slider towards the zoom out (-) or zoom in (+) magnifying glass icon, or
click the zoom out (-) or zoom in (+) magnifying glass icon.
Otometrics - ICS Impulse USB
12 Reports