Automated Attendant
Chapter 2: Features
IntraMail for Aspire System Guide
Related Features
Determines how the Automated Attendant answers outside calls on each trunk.
The mailbox associated with an Answer Table that speci
es the dialing options (Dial Action Table) and
Instruction Menu that announcements are available to Automated Attendant callers.
nes the dialing options for the Call Routing Mailbox chosen by the active Answer Table.
The Automated Attendant can route outside calls to the company fax machine.
One IntraMail system can provide individual greetings and dialing options for several companies.
Step 1
Assign Answer Tables to trunks.
47-10-01: Answer Table Assignment
- Assign an Answer Table (1-8) to each trunk that the Automated Attendant should answer.
By default, all trunks are assigned to Answer Table 1.
Step 2
Set up the Automated Attendant to answer trunk calls.
22-02-01: Incoming Call Trunk Setup
- Assign Service Type 4 to each trunk you want to be a DIL. Make a separate entry for each
Night Service mode.
By default, all trunks are Service Type 0 (Normal).
22-07-01: DIL Assignment
- For each trunk you designated as a DIL above, enter 343. Make a separate entry for each
Night Service mode.
By default, there are no DIL destinations programmed.
Step 3
Set up the Answer Tables.
By default, all trunks use Answer Table 1. Answer Schedule 1 is active and runs continuously.
Step 4
Set up the Call Routing Mailboxes.
The active schedule (Answer Table 1, Answer Schedule 1) uses Call Routing Mailbox 000.
Step 5
Set up the Dial Action Tables.
By default, Call Routing Mailbox 000 uses Dial Action Table 1.
Step 6
Set the maximum message length for Automated Attendant callers leaving a message in a
47-01-03: Subscriber Message Length
- This sets the maximum message length (
seconds) for outside Automated Attendant
callers accessing a mailbox via a LOGON or GOTO command.
The default setting is 120 seconds.