Detailed Explanation of Functions
Obtains the position data of the inverse matrix of the position variable. This is used to perform relative calcu-
lation of the positions.
[Reference Program]
1 P1=Inv(P2)
' P1 will contain the inverse matrix of P2.
(1) Obtains the position data of the inverse matrix of the position variable.
(2) Joint variables cannot be used as the argument. When a joint variable is used, an error will be gener-
(3) Since the return value is a position data, an error will be generated if a joint variable is used in the left-
hand side.
Given joint data will be converted into position data.
[Reference Program]
1 P1=JtoP(J1)
' The position that expresses the J1 (joint type) position using the XYZ
type will be assigned to P1.
(1) Converts the joint data into the position data.
(2) Position variables cannot be used as the argument. When a position variable is used, an error will be
(3) Since the return value is a position data, an error will be generated if a joint variable is used in the left-
hand side.
(4) The initial value of the target mechanism number is "1". Therefore, when mechanism number 1 is tar-
geted, after executing the RelM command, or the program slot is other than 1, execution of the GetM
command is unnecessary. If target mechanism is other than 1, execute the GetM command beforehand.
<Position Variables>=Inv(<Position Variables>)
<Position Variables>=JtoP(<Joint Variables>)