List of Command
4.8 List of Command
A list of pages with description of each command is shown below. They are listed in the order of presumed
usage frequency.
(1) Command related to movement control
Joint interpolation
Linear interpolation
Circular interpolation
Circular interpolation 2
Circular interpolation 3
Circular interpolation
Arch motion interpolation
Spline interpolation
Optimum acceleration/deceleration rate specification
Specification of the moving characteristics mode
Overall speed specification
Speed specification during linear or circular interpolation move-
Speed specification during joint interpolation movement
Continuous path mode specification
Acceleration/deceleration rate specification
Collision detection function
Interference avoidance function
Specification of compliance in the JOINT coordinate system
Specification of compliance in the XYZ coordinate system
Specification of compliance in the Tool coordinate system
Compliance setting invalid
Compliance gain specification
Sets the optimum acceleration/deceleration
Hand's optional condition specification
High accuracy mode specification
Torque specification of each axis
Enables multiple rotation of the tip axis
Robot's positioning range specification
Robot's positioning range specification by joint interpolation
Robot's positioning range specification by distance in a straight
Servo motor power ON/OFF
Addition instruction of movement instruction
Additional conditional instruction of movement instruction
Ex-T control linear interpolation
Ex-T control circular interpolation
Ex-T control circular arc interpolation
Ex-T control circular arc interpolation 2
Ex-T control circular arc interpolation 3
Ex-T spline interpolation