Detailed explanation of Robot Status Variable
Returns override value.
M_JOvrd: Value specified by the override JOvrd command for joint interpolation.
M_NJOvrd: Initial override value (100%) for joint interpolation.
M_OPOvrd: Override value of the operation panel.
M_Ovrd: Current override value, value specified by the Ovrd command.
M_NOvrd: Initial override value (100%).
<Numeric Variable>
Specifies the numerical variable to assign.
In M_JOvrd/M_NJOvrd/M_Ovrd/M_NOvrd, 1 to 32, enter the task slot number.
If these parameters are omitted, the current slot will be used as the default.
In M_OPOvrd, enter an override value.
[Reference Program]
1 M1=M_Ovrd
' M1 will contain the current override value.
2 M2=M_NOvrd
' M2 will contain the initial override value (100%).
3 M3=M_JOvrd
' M3 will contain the current joint override value.
4 M4=M_NJOvrd
' M4 will contain the initial joint override value.
5 M5=M_OPOvrd
' M5 will contain the current OP (operation panel) override value.
6 M6=M_Ovrd(2)
' M6 will contain the current override value for slot 2.
7 M_OPOvrd=20
' The OP (operation panel) override value is set in 20.
Note) Specifying M_OPOvrd is possible at the following software versions.
F-Q series: R5 or later, F-D series: S5 or later.
(1) If the argument is omitted, the current slot status will be returned.
(2) In M_JOvrd/M_NJOvrd/M_Ovrd/M_NOvrd, only read the data.
In M_OPOvrd, writes/reads the data.
Example)<Numeric Variable>=M_JOvrd [(<Equation>)]
Example)<Numeric Variable>=M_NJOvrd[(<Equation>)]
Example)<Numeric Variable>=M_OPOvrd
Example)<Numeric Variable>=M_Ovrd[(<Equation>)]
Example)<Numeric Variable>=M_NOvrd[(<Equation>)]