Effects called in the programmer are displayed with red values, and if they are storable (active) with a red
Effect representation
New in this release
Fixture sheet view: A vertical magenta marker between fixture ID and fixture name displays that an effect is
running in the programmer or comes from a cue.
Effects stored in presets can be edited and updated.
Other enhancements
An output symbol in the fixture sheet view is displayed between fixture ID and fixture name. This is a combined
output from dimmer, gobo and color.
External touch calibration will be saved permanently on hard disk and loaded again on next start.
New export function for fixture types to the internal hard disk and USB drive.
New export function for executors (= cues view) and patch & fixture schedule as .xml files.
New indication in cues view, when fade/delay is overwritten by executor time master.
Name of dot2 Node4 can be changed, saved in show file and will be shown on the display of the dot2 Node4 (if
Rearranged selectable views. Default views are always displayed in the view bar. Additional views are displayed as
a grid of buttons. Effect, Macro, and Page view are now also available here.
and then tap in a title bar of one of the setup menus, opens the help file on screen 1.
New predefined macros
What´s changed
The order of the columns in the patch and fixture schedule has been changed . Now the fixture ID and the fixture
name are always visible. Also when scrolling to the right side. For more information, see
In the
Remote Inputs Configuration window
If the mouse cursor is not in use longer than 120 seconds, the mouse cursor disappears.
Fixed Bugs