Créer un groupe Master
Vous pouvez créer des groupes masters sur vos faders exécuteur. Ceux-ci peuvent être utilisés pour limiter la sortie
des projecteurs enregistrer dans le groupe master. La limite fonctionne proportionnelle. Ce qui signifie que si vous
avez un master de groupe à 100% avec des projecteurs à 50% et vous descendez le master jusqu'à 50%, alors la
sortie lumineuse du projecteur seras de 25%. Si un projecteur est limitée par un groupe master, cela limiteras la
sortie, peu importe si il est activé par un groupe master différent. Le plus bas a la priorité.
1. Sélectionnez le projecteur(s) que vous voulez dans votre groupe master.
2. Appuyez sur
3. Appuyez sur
4. Appuyez sur une des touches associées à l'exécuteur où vous souhaitez le groupe master.
liens associés
5.7. How to work with presets
Presets are a set of values that a specific selection of fixtures can use. This value set is stored in a special preset
pool that allows you to use the same value sets again and again. If you store the preset in a cue, then you store a
link for some attributes for some specific fixtures to the preset. This means that you don't actually store the values in
the cue, but a link to the preset. If you then update the values in the preset, then the look of your cues will change.
If you want to learn more generally about what the presets are, then you can read the
Now we'll look at how to actually work with them.
Create some presets
I assume you have a show with some fixtures that have different types of attributes.
There are different preset types. The preset types change depending on what fixtures you have added to your show.
You can see the different preset types on the right side of the right screen.
You can make a Preset view on one the other screens using the view bar or you can open it on the right screen by
pressing the
key. It might make more sense to open the preset view on a screen that isn't the right one. Do
this and then see the title bar of the preset view change when you select the different Presets Types on the right
side of the right screen. Each Preset Type have it's own preset pool. This also means that you can only store Dimmer
values in a Dimmer Preset pool. The exception to this is the All preset type. The All type can store all values across
the different other Preset types.
Let's try to make some dimmer presets (I assume you have added some fixtures that have a dimmer channel).
Select some of your fixtures, give them a dimmer value in your programmer (if you don't know what the programmer
is then you should first learn about this -
). Now press the
key and then an empty pool object in
the Dimmer Preset pool. Now you can see that you have created a Dimmer Preset.