Series 2600B System SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual
Appendix G: Model 2400 emulation
2600BS-901-01 Rev. B / May 2013
:SYSTem subsystem
Always returns 0.
This command is accepted and ignored. Causes no action or response.
This command is accepted and ignored. Causes no action or response.
:SYSTem:AZERo:CACHing[:STATe] <Bool>
This command is accepted and ignored. The setting is always ON.
Always returns 1.
:SYSTem:AZERo[:STATe] <Bool>
When AZERO state is set to ON, reference and zero measurements will be automatically taken when they are out of
date. If this happens, the time to take a measurement will increase. This can cause sweep timing to be irregular when
compared to a Model 2400 as the Model 2400 takes longer on every measurement.
SYSTem:POSetup command is accepted but has no effect, *SAV and *RCL are not supported.
:TRIGger subsystem
:ARM[:SEQuence[1]][:LAYer[1]][:TCONfigure][:ASYNchronous]:ILINe 1|2|3|4
The instrument will not allow the same TLink line to be used for an input trigger and an output trigger simultaneously.
Also, it will not allow the same TLink line to be used as an input trigger for both the arm and trigger layer
simultaneously. The instrument will generate an error when attempting to leave the idle layer if these conditions are
violated. The reset default for the arm layer input line (
) is 1.
:ARM[:SEQuence[1]][:LAYer[1]][:TCONfigure][:ASYNchronous]:OLINe 1|2|3|4
The instrument will not allow the same TLink line to be used for an input trigger and an output trigger simultaneously.
The instrument will generate an error when attempting to leave the idle layer if this condition is violated. The reset
default value for the arm layer output line (
) is 3.
:TRIGger[:SEQuence[1]][:TCONfigure][:ASYNchronous]:ILINe 1|2|3|4
The instrument will not allow the same TLink line to be used for an input trigger and an output trigger simultaneously
nor will it allow the same TLink line to be used as an input trigger for both the arm and trigger layer simultaneously.
The instrument will generate an error when attempting leave the idle layer if these conditions are violated. The reset
default for the trigger layer input line (
) is 2.
:TRIGger[:SEQuence[1]][:TCONfigure][:ASYNchronous]:INPut SOURce|DELay|SENSe|NONE
Only one of these options may be selected at a time.
:TRIGger[:SEQuence[1]][:TCONfigure][:ASYNchronous]:OLINe 1|2|3|4
The instrument will not allow the same TLink line to be used for an input trigger and an output trigger simultaneously.
The instrument will generate an error when attempting to leave the idle layer if this condition is violated. The reset
default for the trigger layer output line (
) is 4.
Summary of Contents for System SourceMeter 2601B
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