Operating and Maintenance Instructions –
3. Wait for the system to respond with a value of 18500 (C-band) or 29700 (L-band).
This sequence of commands enters the parameter required to configure the SOM for
wavelength diagnostics.
Verify that the parameter “Points” has been entered into the SOM correctly. To verify this, press
the DISPLAY button on the SOM, when it has stopped (not scanning). The correct value of
Points is 18500 for C-band and 29700 for L-band.
Calibrating Wavelength for Diagnostics
When the SWS software is run, the program prompts the user to perform wavelength
calibration. Wavelength diagnostics cannot be used until the calibration has been performed.
See the Error! Reference source not found. section for more information on calibration.
Using Wavelength Diagnostics
When a trace is obtained, a wavelength check is performed. If the wavelength is shifted by more
than 3 pm, the user is warned that there is a drift. The message “Wavelength measurement
If the wavelength is shifted by more than 30 pm, the user is prompted to perform a wavelength
calibration. The message “Laser out of calibration” is generated.
Maintaining the System
The Swept Wavelength System does not require user maintenance. See the
section for maintenance of connectors.
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