82 – Operating and Maintenance Instructions
plot area and places the data in this location. All data found in any one row is specific to one
channel. Each parameter value, if applicable, has an assigned column stored in a specific
Figure 71: Analysis Tab Window to Display Analysis Results
The Analysis tab page shows the channels selected for analysis and computed parameters for
each of the channels. There are one or two columns under each heading. The columns are:
Threshold Power
—shows the power level, below the peak or above the base, at which the
parameters are computed.
Minimum Peak
—two columns show the wavelength at which the minimum peak occurs and the
insertion loss at that wavelength.
Maximum Peak
—two columns show the wavelength at which the maximum peak occurs and
the insertion loss at that wavelength.
Center Wavelength
—two columns show the center wavelength and the insertion loss at that
—the column shows the computed bandwidth. If a peak has multiple bandwidths at a
specified threshold, the value shown is the minimum bandwidth.
—the column shows the computed passband.
—the column shows the computed flatness between two specified wavelengths. The
flatness has the same units as insertion loss.
—the column shows the crosstalk in the channel immediately to the left of the reference
—the column shows the crosstalk in the channel immediately to the right of the
reference channel.
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