Reference –
Recording SWS Performance
The SWS Performance Checklist is used as a diagnostic tool by the user and by technical
support. After the tests in the
Troubleshooting Flowcharts
sections are
performed, the checklist is filled out. The completed performance checklist is used when
communicating with technical support.
The checklist lists measurements, conditions, and procedures performed by the user
information that is necessary for technical support to diagnose SWS problems. Add comments
where more information than indicated is necessary for correct diagnosis. Attach your
description of the faults or failures encountered.
There is a section for each component of the SWS. In each section, circle the appropriate
options and enter the measured values. If a procedure has been performed that does not follow
the standard procedures listed in this user’s manual, list the steps as they were performed.
Record any other abnormal conditions not listed on the checklist, for example, time of day of
intermittent problems, power fluctuations caused by weather conditions, or other conditions that
are unusual to the normal operating environment of the SWS.
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