Operating and Maintenance Instructions –
Multiple-Output Devices
Devices with more than one output can be measured using the SWS in a manner similar to
measuring simple passive optical devices. To measure multiple-output devices:
Acquire zero loss reference
—Zero loss references need to be acquired for each of the
selected channels, in the selected processing mode (IL or PDL). To acquire the required
zero loss references, proceed as for a single-output device, but repeat the process for each
of the output channels.
Measure insertion loss
—To measure the insertion loss of a multiple-output device,
connect the device into the SWS as shown in Figure 80. The output of the control module is
connected to the common or input port of the device. A separate detector channel is used for
each of the outputs from the device. The measurement of all the channels is done
Figure 80: Characterizing a Multiple-Output Device
3. Use the software to select the channels to be processed and acquire a trace. The results for
all selected channels are displayed in the chart area. These plots can be analyzed and
manipulated. For more information, see the
Using SWS Software
Measure PDL
—Characterizing a multiple-output device for PDL is very similar to acquiring
the IL trace, the differences being that the software must be in the PDL mode and the SOM
must be set in Polarization Mode 1. All selected output channels are measured
simultaneously. Interpreting PDL results is somewhat more complex than IL. See the
Interpreting PDL Data
section for more information.
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