Operating and Maintenance Instructions –
Maximize Button
The Maximize button is located in the top right-hand corner of the Chart Area. If the button is
clicked, the plot is expanded to fill the screen. If the button is clicked again the plot returns to its
former size.
Zoom In
Pressing the Zoom In button causes the plot to expand. The center of the image is left
unchanged, but both the x-axis and y-axis scales are reduced to a smaller range.
Zoom Out
The Zoom Out button does just the opposite of the Zoom In button. The ranges of both the axes
are increased and the image is made smaller. The center of the image is left unchanged.
The Pan button is used to move the image without changing the scale. Click the left mouse
button on the center of the new image. Next, click the Pan button. The image is moved so that
the desired location is at the center of the plot. Clicking the Pan button again results in the image
moving by the same amount as before.
The Reset button is pressed to change the plot scales to fixed values. This button is used to
return the image to a standard scale.
Pressing the Auto Scale button redraws the plots with the most suitable scales for both y-axes.
All data is then displayed at the highest resolution.
The crosshair feature, enabled by checking the Show Crosshair check box, displays the
coordinates in the boxes to the right of the check box.
Common Area
The Common area of the configuration window, shown in Figure 65, is for channel selection and
to acquire new data and references.
Figure 65: Common Area
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