152 – Programming Guide
Return Value
When there is no error, the function returns zero.
When there is an error, the return value contains the error number.
The function getITUSize returns the number of ITU channels between
specified wavelengths or frequencies.
C prototype
int getITUSize( double dITUSpaceInGHz, double dStartWave, double
dStopWave, unsigned short uhITUunits );
VB prototype
Declare Function getITUSize Lib "SWS15100" (ByVal dITUSpaceINGHz As
Double, ByVal dStartWave As Double, Byval dStopWave As Double, ByVal
uhITUunits%) As Long
double dITUSpaceInGHz
Specifies the spacing of ITU channels. This must be in GHz.
double dStartWave
Specifies the start wavelength or frequency.
double dStopWave
Specifies the stop wavelength or frequency.
unsigned short uhITUunits
This integer specifies the units for the stop and start wavelength or frequency.
The allowed values are UNITS_NM and UNITS_GHZ, specified in the file
Return Value
When there is no error, the function returns the number of ITU channels.
When there is an error, the return value contains the error number.
The getITU function returns the current ITU grid in a specified wavelength or
frequency range.
C prototype
int getITU( double dITUSpaceInGHz, double dStartWave, double dStopWave,
unsigned short uhITUunits, double *pdITUGrid);
VB prototype
Declare Function getITU Lib "SWS15100" (ByVal dITUSpaceInGHz As Double,
ByVal dStartWave As Double, Byval dStopWave As Double, ByVal
uhITUunits%, ByRef pdITUGrid As Double) As Long
unsigned short dITUSpaceInGHz
This is the spacing of ITU channels in GHz; for example, 50 or 100 GHz.
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