Reference –
Polarization state status
bar, on the right bottom
corner of the plot window,
shows “unknown” or
Error message “TPS Error”
or “error 4006” is displayed.
This message can appear if the optional PDL controller
is used or not. To ensure that the polarization state is
detected properly:
Stop the software.
Press STOP on the SOM.
When the laser stops scanning, press DISPLAY.
In the display that appears on the SOM, record the
value of the parameter Points.
If Points value is not displayed, the version of the
firmware is not current. Call JDS Uniphase for
assistance in determining the value of Points.
In the SWS15100.INI file in the C:\WINDOWS
directory, ensure that the MaxPoints parameter is
the same as the value of Points read from the
SOM. If the file has been changed, close the
software and re-open it before trying again.
If there is a data collection problem, as indicated by
the continuation of the error message, inspect the
ribbon connection to the I/O card on the back of the
computer. If possible, replace the ribbon cable and
run the program again.
Clean all optical connections, particularly the ones
on the receiver control module, and try again.
If the error persists, call the local JDS Uniphase
representative or the service hotline to determine if
repairs are needed.
Error message “Scan
Request Error” appears
when an attempt is made to
acquire a trace.
Acquire a new scan:
Perform a zero loss reference for the channel and
polarization state requested.
Acquire a trace.
If the error persists, call the local JDS Uniphase
representative or the service hotline.
(table continued)
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