142 – Programming Guide
The getPDLReferences function is used to get the references (zero loss) for
all four polarization states (S1, S2, S3, and S4) used to calculate the PDL of a
device. This function automatically acquires all four references for each of the
four polarization states. If one of the polarization states is not detected in a
specified amount of time, the function returns a timeout error.
C prototype
int getPDLReferences( unsigned short chID);
VB prototype
Declare Function getPDLReferences Lib "SWS15100" (ByVal chID%) As Long
unsigned short chID
This is the channel selected for acquiring all four references.
Return Value
If there is no error and all four references (for each of the four polarization
states) are properly acquired, the return value is 0.
If there is an error, the return value contains the error number.
The acquirePDL function is used to get the IL data for all four polarization
states (S1, S2, S3, and S4) and for all the channels on the user list. One call
to this function is used to acquire only one polarization (one IL) set of data.
This function must be called for each of the four polarization states to obtain a
full set of IL data required for a PDL calculation.
The parameter hStartPDL is used as a flag to indicate the acquisition of new
data. To acquire a new set of data, the user must set the hStartPDL value to
To acquire a complete IL data set, all the other calls to this function use the
value 0(FALSE) for hStartPDL.
The function returns 0 if the PDL acquisition is not finished. It returns 1 if the
PDL acquisition is completed and a PDL processing can be started. It returns
an error number if there is any error.
For this function to work, a zero loss reference is done for each polarization
state prior to the call to acquirePDL.
C prototype
int acquirePDL( unsigned short *chList, unsigned short uhNumChannels, short
VB prototype
Declare Function acquirePDL Lib "SWS15100" (ByRef chList%, ByVal
numChannels%, ByVal startPDL%) As Long
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